1. Help Center
  2. Moneyflow account
  3. Connecting an accounting system

How do I sell an invoice in the platform after I connected my accounting system?

Once you have connected e-conomic as your accounting system you can sell an invoice in the platform in the couple of steps.

  1. Log into your Moneyflow account
  2. If you don’t have any draft invoices, create one by clicking on ‘Go to e-conomic.’
  3. You'll be directed to the e-conomic invoice creation page, where you can fill in all the relevant information for the invoice.
  4. After creating the invoice, return to your Moneyflow account and click on ‘Refresh.’
  5. If the created invoice is valid, it will appear as a card with an overview of an offer. If it's invalid, it will be displayed in the "Request funding" section below.
  6. Click on "Fund now" to view offer details and select the invoice destination to define where it should be sent.
  7. Press ‘Confirm’ to send your invoice to Moneyflow for review.
  8. You can track the status in the portal’s ‘Funding’ page.